Feb 3, 2010

Why I Love Ads..

I always just pictured some sickly alabaster medic presenting the next project to that uber-chic, cutting edge - practically arthouse - ad agency...

"Now," he says, "it's not an easy one, but we need to make genital herpes sexy...make that quarter of the population feel a little less...well...ostracised like lepers, I guess..."

Well, that's what I envision every time I see a flourid display of sexy undergarments on display while we're told in soothing tones that it's fine to be all red and itchy "below the belt..."

And as such, this recent posting from the legendary media and marketing umbrella site founded by Tim Burrowes called Mumbrella (genius!):

Interestingly enough, a focal point in the article revolves around similar issues of banter between me and Ben Pobs on the show: the Indie man of the House, Nick Xenophon, and his Cabinet outburst last year likening Lafayette Ron Hubbard and his sci-fi principles of theology as similar to the workings of a crim gang...

Ben thought that he was simply acting as a mouthpiece against evil forces..His name, after all, bein XENOphon,,closer than any other politician to that of the Intergalactic War Lord, XENU...Crafty..

Anyways, seeing that such a rare and marvellous opportunity presents itself, my mind now wonders at the possibilities... up to a million cinematic greats akin to that of Battlestar Galactica or perhaps the John Travolta remake of Hair Spray???

I guess it is necessary to add that, I am without a TV remote...In fact I cannot recall a time that I have ever lived with one

No, I haven't got "one of those great Universal ones...for all the gadgets and whizzbangs attached to one easy device!"

As such, I watch - and, admittedly, enjoy - ads more avidly than most in this day and age of pausing live TV and what not...So I consider these types of issues that face the journo usurpers, just in case the occasion should so require...

I'm thinking perhaps, a Twilight motif..

Why Children Should be Seen and Not Heard

They especially aren't worth hearing if they are as determined as this young whipper snapper, like so many other young and socially deprived pubescents with a knack for robotic like communications.

Kind of along the lines of Stephen Hawking (but who could argue, the guy is damn smart...he managed to summarise the history of time AND used his subsequent fame to seduce his nurse... how cliched!)

As usual, I digress, this was a story posted on the excellent National Public Radio (NPR) site. Check out the story, here! 

Why we are corporate whores to music industry pimps

Music festivals

Summer hosts a mutlitude of them and I know everyone goes, and most people try and relay enthusiastic reviews to all and sundry, trying to drive them to envy you and admire how cool and rock you are..

But isn't there just like this small, tiny part of you that is just over being one of the great mass of swarming, sweaty human beings; all of whose excretions leave a particularly foul that permeates all around you in the skanky portaloo (a la Kenny... for 12 twelve hours)..