Feb 3, 2010

Why Children Should be Seen and Not Heard

They especially aren't worth hearing if they are as determined as this young whipper snapper, like so many other young and socially deprived pubescents with a knack for robotic like communications.

Kind of along the lines of Stephen Hawking (but who could argue, the guy is damn smart...he managed to summarise the history of time AND used his subsequent fame to seduce his nurse... how cliched!)

As usual, I digress, this was a story posted on the excellent National Public Radio (NPR) site. Check out the story, here! 

16 year old Alexander Kendrick, was awarded a prize for inventing the somewhat questionable communications system - enabling underground text messaging - the straw like contraption you see him with is the innovative collapsible radio antenna that makes it all happen...

He travelled some 300 metres below the ground to test his invention, which turns my blood cold...

And what's the use?

so that you can text underground - enabling moles, the crazy dude from War of the Worlds and creepy agoraphobic cave workers can still communicate...?

Asiding from any Flowers in the Attic conspiracy theories I may be conjuring up, It's also a major worry when the idle youth are in fact so driven 

...They put my 16 yr old self to skank shame... 

Not content with simply a facebook profile and an iphone, he has to go all bloody pirate - and the next literally underground movement - I reckon he should get up and about more...

And look, I understand that all this online anarchy is pretty trendy with the kids now, like bicuriosity; product placement and Schoolies, the kids at Neighbours are also well versed around the notions of pirate media... 

So come on, bloody youth, stop listening to reason..I implore you to binge drink and experiment with party drugs and spend the majority of your time pouting over the resentment felt towards your evil parents...please?!?!?